The two <u>Byzantine missionary brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius </u>influenced Russia to adopt a script or writing system which came to be known as <u>Cyrillic alphabet</u>. The Cyrillic alphabet owes its origin to Greek alphabet and is closely based on the same, with more than a dozen additional letters invented to represent local Slavic sounds. The script developed in 9th century AD and later it was simplified and regularized. It became the official alphabet of most languages of Eurasian countries and we see in 2007 AD the European Union adopt it as 3rd official alphabet after Latin and Greek.
A mutual alliance among western nations
Here are the answers of the given question above.
North America was so valuable and desired by both the French and the English because North America was critical for the global authority of England. William Pitt was the one who made North America become important to other party's territories. His strategy focuses on the naval warfare and also the conquest of North America.
I'm working on the exact same project...
I know this isn't too helpful, but I think each 'seven' mentioned is possibly a time...
seven 'sevens' = 7 weeks
sixty-two 'sevens' = 62 weeks, over a year
Agin I'm sorry this isn't too helpful...