Vultures obtain energy from scavenging.
Hope this helped!
There are four ocean zones named as the neritic zone, midnight zone, twilight zone and abyssal zone depending upon the depth of water and the availability of sunlight. Other factors like pressure, oxygen, salinity contributes to the diversity of organisms found and develop in these zones. These factors also makes the organism unique in forms due to living in the oceanic zone.
The two adaptations are as follows:
1. Many organisms which live in the neritic zone are adapted to bouyancy. Some organisms float to conserve the energy for swimming, others float to fatch food near the surface of shallow waters.
2. The animals in the twilight or disphotic zone are adapted to live life in darkness which is found in cold water and high pressure. They have adaptations such ability to see in dark waters and they produce bioluminescence to catch food in darkness.
Respuesta:Presentan una gran variedad de peligros, estos dependen de que tipo sean los residuos contaminantes, ya que varían en muchas características como los tóxicos, patogénicos, etc.
Como se puede observar existen muchos tipos de basuras y con diferentes características diferentes que llegan a variar por su peligrosidad u toxicidad.
The organism should be name as bacteria.
Peptidoglycans is the characteristics features of bacterial cell its absent in cell wall of archaea, fungi and plant cell. Bacteria can also make amino acids. There are some bacteria who can prepare their own food in the presence of sunlight, i.e purple phototrophic bacteria, green sulphur bacteria, green filamentous bacteria etc. these bacteria contain photosythertic pigments called bacteriochlorophyll.