the 4k comes to help the akg
well, its pretty simple
the akg does this and that, and then bam!
A lo largo de la historia y hasta el surgimiento del movimiento feminista, las mujeres se encontraron en un lugar relegado en la sociedad. Varios son los ejemplos de esta situación, entre los que podemos mencionar:
-el sometimiento ideológico, al prohibirseles el voto hasta bien entrado el siglo XX. Hasta hace 100 años atrás, las mujeres no tenían la posibilidad de expresarse en las urnas.
-las mujeres, en sus trabajos, aun hoy en día sufren discriminación salarial: cobran menos que los hombres por el mismo trabajo realizado.
-la total dependencia de los labores domésticos, los cuales son otorgados en forma egoísta a la mujer por parte del hombre. La mujer muchas veces ocupa un rol de "sirvienta" al servicio del hombre, completando todos los quehaceres de la casa sin ayudas.
-el sometimiento económico, por el cual en el pasado no se permitía a la mujer trabajar, con lo cual se la hacia absolutamente dependiente económicamente del hombre.
-la desigualdad en los puestos de poder entre hombres y mujeres, la cual se ve explicitada en la proporción de mujeres con altos cargos políticos en comparación con la cantidad de hombres en los mismos.
religion is something you learn about but you can not share your beliefs with the school and teachers aren't allowed to preach their religions.
some schools allow prayer in sports but it is not a mandatory thing.
I still believe that it is not a good thing to put religion beliefs and school together because then if u don't believe in someone elses religion it can cause problems which will revolve in exclusion and fights about religion.
It depends on what it is used for and if they are making it a mandatory thing or not.
The executive branch is responsible for developing and implementing foreign policy. The National Security Council (NSC), the CIA, the Departments of State and Defense, are the main institutions for making policy.
What are the National Security Council (NSC), the CIA, the Departments of State and Defense?
The War Department, the Department of the Navy, and the U.S. Air Force were combined to become the Defense Department in 1949. The secretary of defense can have a significant impact on foreign policy. The president receives guidance on military planning and strategy from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which consists of the four chiefs of staff of the armed services and a chairperson.
The president and vice president, the secretaries of state and defense, the director of the CIA, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the armed services' leadership council), as well as about a dozen other government officials, make up the National Security Council (NSC), which is led by the national security advisor. The council is in charge of giving the president foreign policy advice. The NSC's function changes depending on the administration. Nixon, who was quite educated about international issues, depended heavily on the NSC. Indeed, Henry Kissinger, his national security adviser, was directly involved in establishing ties with the People's Republic of China and represented the US in talks to end the Vietnam War.
To know more about National Security Council (NSC), the CIA, the Departments of State and Defense check out:
Explanation: The Constitution is formally entitled the "Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996." It was previously also numbered as if it were an Act of Parliament—Act No. 108 of 1996—but, since the passage of the Citation of Constitutional Laws Act, neither it nor the acts amending it are allocated act numbers.