By Focusing on Key Performing Indicators (KPIs)
Having large amounts of data has its <em>advantages</em> with give entities competitive advantages over rivals. These include the ability to satisfy a market need and establish changing trends in demand.
However, some firms <em>get lost in large data</em> and this is because of overwhelming amount of information and failure to focus on their industry`s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
- The firm increases its dividend payout ratio.
This will increase the need for external funds because with more funds going towards dividends, there will be less funds available to fund operations. The company will therefore be more probable of being in need of Additional funds.
- The firm’s inventory turnover decreases, with no effect on the sales forecast.
If the firm's inventory turnover increases, it means that the firm is taking longer to sell off inventory. This will mean that the company will have to invest more in working capital to maintain these inventory levels. This will lead to a higher probability of them needing additional funds.
2. Yes, dividends still affect a firm’s AFN even though they are paid out of after-tax earnings.
Even though they are paid after-tax, they still eat into the funds that the business can be able to set aside to fund operations. So when dividends are paid, the need for AFN increases as well.
350,000 they got paid per episode
E) participative.
<u>The multiple-choice options for this question are: </u>
A) laissez-faire.
B) hands-off.
C) existential.
D) authoritarian.
E) participative.
In the participative leadership style, the manager invites employees' input when making all or most company decisions. The employees are adequate information regarding company issues. Each of the staff members is accorded an opportunity to make their contribution to the subject matter. If the team cannot reach a consensus, a majority vote determines the direction the company will take.
Participative leadership is criticized for slow f decision-making. Its main advantage is that decisions are easily acceptable by all, making implementation seamless.
The Consumer Electronics Division of General Electronics Company, which has a number of dozen factories all over the world, is run by production managers Gary Stevens and Mary James. Gary is in charge of the facility in EI Segundo, California, while Mary is in charge of the one in Des Moines, Iowa. If the entire division reaches or surpasses its yearly profit objective, production managers will get a bonus equivalent to 5% of their basic pay. The bonus is decided in March, following the completion and distribution to investors of the company's annual report.
Percentage Completion
The percentage of completion method involves the ongoing recognition of revenue and income related to longer-term projects. By doing so, the seller can recognize some gain or loss related to a project in every accounting period in which the project continues to be active.
COGS 289
TOTAL COGS 57,899,510
NET PROFIT 100,490
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