The law of conservation of mass states that the total amount of mass remains constant in a system. In ecology, this means that when an organism is eaten, its mass is conserved. Some of the organism’s mass is used to make new proteins, and some of it is passed as waste in the form of urine or feces.
Las paredes externas de una casa o un automóvil brindan una barrera fuerte e inflexible que protege a sus habitantes humanos de un mundo externo rudo e impredecible. Podría esperarse que el límite externo de una célula viva estuviera construido de una barrera igual de fuerte e impenetrable porque también debe proteger su delicado contenido interno ante un ambiente no vivo y a menudo inhospitalario. Sin embargo, las células están separadas del mundo externo por una estructura delgada y frágil llamada membrana plasmática que sólo mide 5 a 10 nm de espesor. Se requerirían casi 5 000 membranas plasmáticas apiladas una sobre otra para igualar el grosor de una sola página de este libro.
I believe the answer I the third option
The link between some of the given contexts is characterized below.
- The soil, as well as the water, have been strongly interlinked. Implementation of biodiversity conservation just to focus on improving soil structure also strengthens water supplies.
- Healthy soils serve various tasks, including certain strengthening infiltration, maintaining water for irrigation, utilizing heavy metals, quantization stormwater runoff, as well as surface hardness.
Answer: The correct answer to the question is option WHEN GLUCOSE LEVELS ARE LOW AND LACTOSE IS PRESENT.
Explanation: To start with,Lac operon can be simply defined as a part of the DNA that is under the part of the DNA is manipulated and controlled by the same promoter,they can be found in some prokaryotic cells giving room for regulation over excess synthesis of simply put,these specific segment of the DNA binds with the segment of the polymerase of RNA so that transcription of the mRNA from the operon genes will be achieved.
Lac operon is also known as lactose operon, it is seen in some enteric bacteria like e.coli where they play a crucial role in coding of genes for those proteins that function in moving lactose into the cystocel and digesting it to form glucose that is used for energy generation. These lac operon are are most active when glucose levels are low and lactose is present,with the low level of glucose, the lac operon can be transcribed to a high level,this is to ascertain that the bacteria only gets to activate the lac operon and can only make use of it,that is using lactose when all the preferred energy source from glucose has been exhausted.