These pain relievers are made from opium, which comes from the poppy plant.Morphine and Codeine are the two natural products of opium
LDL is the primary contributor to arterial-clogging plaque. HDL is effective at removing excess cholesterol from the blood.
Heart diseases are the leading cause of death in a number of countries. Atherosclerosis causes the constriction of the blood vessels that supply the heart with blood, leading to heart disease. Gradually, fatty deposits (or plaque) accumulate on the interior of artery walls, reducing the space through which blood may travel to the heart.
Cholesterol is an essential component of all cell membranes and is necessary for numerous metabolic processes. It is produced in the liver by the body. Cholesterol-containing blood lipids (fats) include high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL ('bad') cholesterol can cause the formation of plaque in the arteries, whereas HDL ('good') cholesterol helps eliminate cholesterol from the body and makes it more difficult for plaque to form.
Learn more about heart diseases here :
The best action to take during a earth quake is to take cover, and move away from any building's, street light's, or any types of wires. Doing these thing's can save someone's life. Moving into an open area will keep rubble from falling on a person. Keeping away from wires is a great way to stay safe, in fact. Electrical wires don't shutdown, so if someone where to come in contact with wires, they might get shocked which can lead to death. Staying away from street lights can also save someone's life. During an earthquake, it's posisble that a street light can fall, if you are close to one a street light could lant on you causing serious breakage to your bones, or even death.