C. She would have to resort to trial and errors to find a matching exponent
Adam might have forgotten to loop the guessing code, meaning that instead of letting him guess multiple times, it simply does it once and ends the program. This could be fixed by adding a while loop, or something of the sort, that doesn't let the user finish the program until they guess the number correctly, while adding to the variable that stores the number of guesses each loop.
The answer is "DDoS
The distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) occurs whenever a directed program's wireless data or assets, generally one or even more application servers, were also swamped by various machines. This attack is always the consequence of many affected systems, that fill up the target network with traffic.
- This attack is aimed to avoid legal customers of one's website from accessing it.
- In being effective in a DDoS attack, further demands need to be sent to the hacker than even the victim's server could deal with.
- One other way to successfully attack is to send fake requests from the attacker.
The program is written using PYTHON SCRIPT below;
N=int(input(" Enter number of Rows you want:"))
M=[] # this for storing the matrix
for i in range(N):
l=list(map(int,input("Enter the "+str(i+1)+" Row :").split()))
print("The 2D Matrix is:\n")
for i in range(N):
W=[] # to store the first non zero elemnt index
T=[] # to store that value is positive or negative
for i in range(N):
for j in range(L):
if (M[i][j]==0):
W.append(j) # If the value is non zero append that postion to position list(W)
if(M[i][j]>0): #For checking it is positive or negative
print("The first Non Zero element List [W] : ",end="")
print("Positive or Negative List [T] : ",end="")
In order for the program to determine a set of test cases it takes in input of 2D matrix in an N numbet of rows.
It goes ahead to program and find the column index of the first non-zero value for each row in the matrix A, and also determines if that non-zero value is positive or negative. The If - Else conditions are met accordingly in running the program.
it would be nice if you gave some form of info here
in other words without information no help aka I'm slow and just need points