Christopher Columbus, the son of a wool merchant, was born in Genoa in about 1451. (, 2013) When he was still a teenager, he got a job on a merchant ship. Until 1470 Christopher Columbus remained on the see, when French merchant ships that were owned and officered by private individuals using government permission for use in war attacked his ship as it sailed north along the coast of Portuguese. The boat sank, but the young Columbus floating on a scrap of wood from the sunken ship made his way to Lisbon, where he studied four subjects which were mathematics, astronomy, cartography and navigation.
During two centuries which were the 15th and 16th centuries, several leaders of European nations were sponsoring expeditions abroad in the hope that explorers would find great wealth and very great extent of undiscovered lands. In the so called “Age of Discovery” the Portuguese were the first people to participate in it. About 1420 was when it started of small Portuguese ships known as caravels zipped along the African coast and which were carrying spices, gold, slaves and other goods from Asia and Africa to Europe.
At the end of the first of the two centuries which was the 15th century, it was nearly no way to Europe on land. The only route was long and arduous, which you could have encounters with hostile armies who were very difficult to avoid. Explorers from Portugal solved the land round and hostile army problems by taking to the sea which they ended up sailing to the south along the West African coast also around the Cape of Good Hope.
1. alliance coalition of countries that opposed the Allied powers in World War II 2. Axis to subdue and limit the freedoms of people 3. dictator a close association of countries 4. economic collapse Italian Fascist party leader during World War II 5. fasces the financial panic and downfall of a country 6. fascism extreme totalitarian government run by a dictator and based on highly-emotional nationalism 7. Mussolini rods bound by straps, blade of an axe protrudes from the rods symbolizing unity and strength, used as a symbol for power and jurisdiction 8. suppress a sole ruler of a nation; often cruel and abusive
During the Maurya and Gupta empires, the Indian culture and way of life were deeply influenced by Hinduism. Hinduism reinforced a strict social hierarchy called a caste system that made it nearly impossible for people to move outside of their social station.
The title of the map would be: "The states that made up the Italian Nation in the fifteenth century"
One of the distinctive features of the political organization in Italy was the importance of the city-states and in particular of the republics, which in the fifteenth century some had lost their independence, but not the Renaissance cities such as Florence and Venice. At the beginning of the fifteenth century the Italian territory was very fragmented in states of varying size and importance. The decline of the cities had led to a process of institutional strengthening, concluded with the establishment of signorie (the equivalent of the Iberian lordships), together with the oligarchic republics, founded previously.