2. Macbeth wishes Banquo was there because he is seeing his bloody ghost.
Based on this particular scene from Shakespeare's Macbeth, Macbeth is haunted by the ghost of Banquo who he murdered in the presence of guests and he begins to act strangely. He regains his composure and makes this speech, toasting to Banquo and saying he "miss" him and wish "he were here".
The irony here is that Macbeth is tormented by Banquo's ghost but makes a speech saying that Banquo was missed and it would be much better if he were there.
You have to compare to teacher to something else like: "My teacher is as sneaky as a fox" ; Something like that.
Grant offers to bring Jefferson a little notebook so that he can write down any thoughts that come to his mind, and Jefferson agrees to the plan.
Social Submissive - usually concerned with facts and not emotion, and will not give you the time of day if they think it might interfere with their goals for the day. These people are usually direct, serious, and like to be dealt with at a distance. These people are usually passive and will avoid confrontation or interactions as much as possible - especially if they may become upset - they also will not want to upset anyone else.
Quiet Submissive - always willing to do what they are told to do and often will not disagree with the request