You don't really have any multiple choice, so here's an explanation. The entire reason for early sports was to teach younger generations how to work in a team, so that when they worked in industrial factories and businesses, they had already learned teamwork. Pro sports began to rise in popularity as rivalries between regional areas in the US rose through the progressive era. These rivalries had existed since the antebellum era in America before the civil war. Plus, there weren't many forms of entertainment in the industrial areas, and sports(watching or playing) was a great way to keep individuals off the streets and in a better area. Thus, pro sports popularity rose in the 1900s.
Woodrow Wilson...........................................................................................
For more than a dozen years, we supported decision-makers and their enterprises with data, analysis, and our unparalleled communications skills. We have supported nonprofits in their efforts to measure impact and raise money more effectively. We have helped private developers negotiate with public agencies. We have helped entire industries tell their stories and improve their public relations with hard data and compelling insights. Here, we supply four case studies to give you some sense of the types of work we do and our general approach to supporting organizational missions.

There is an ancient Chinese curse that goes something like this – “may you live in interesting times”. We who inhabit the Earth today are cursed accordingly. Our Sage blog focuses on some of the most interesting issues of the day on a timely, ongoing basis in a nonpartisan, highly analytical, data-driven fashion.
<span>Good morning, Susana!
The effects of technology on population growth rates and other related rates are the most diverse. With the turn of the nineteenth century to the twentieth century, we noticed that the increasing presence of technologies and new scientific advances was responsible for the expansion of life expectancy. The possibility of producing more food also motivated the population growth and, consequently, the number of births. The challenges are also varied, including:
- Maintain and expand the quality of life;
- Offer food for all individuals;
- Fight against epidemics and deadly diseases;</span>
I think I would rather have the power to create because if I could make anything then that would be better than destroying things.