Como beneficiario de la estrategia de Napoleón, Estados Unidos adquirió todo el río Mississippi y sus afluentes occidentales, unas 828,000 millas cuadradas de territorio, millones de acres de tierras de cultivo y una gran riqueza de recursos naturales.
The difference between the map during the early 1900´s was the way the early settlements where shown in Irish names, portraying the fact that the Irish population was second, right under the English. Pushed out of Ireland because of religious conflict back home, decided to come to America, after they were promised land and religious freedom in return for applying their knowledge.
That is when the fear of immigrants taking over started, since English population was not that bigger than the Irish.
The Edict of Milan was issued in 313 AD, in the names of the Roman Emperors Constantine I, who ruled the western parts of the Empire, and Licinius, who ruled the East.