C. You need a comma when the sentence changes subjects from humans to bottlenose dolphins.
This phrase is in reference to how Atticus dealt with Mayella on the stand during Tom Robinson's trial. Mayella testified that Tom Robinson raped her and beat her up. During his questioning, Atticus found holes in Mayella's story. He got her confused and made her sound as though she wasn't sure about the details or that she wasn't as strong of a person as she'd like to be. This made it difficult for Mayella to twist the truth to make Tom Robinson seem guilty so she stopped talking. She gave some testimony and then quit answering questions all together. Unfortunately, even though Atticus's questioning of Mayella revealed some significant inconsistencies and improbabilities the jury still convicted Tom Robinson because of his race.
Answer:the poem begins with all CAP letters
In the stanzas containing the famous phrase 'of mice and men' Robert Burns, the poet, compares a rat's ability to live in the present to the human's inability.
Robert Burns is one of the defining figures of Romantic thought. <u>this poem compares the state of bliss that animals live in to the unnatural life a human leads</u> due to their excessive thinking and the woes of modern life.
this is evident in the last 2 stanzas of the poem 'to a mouse' when Burns first calls the mouse 'no thy-lane<u>'</u> and then <u>calls it more fortunate because it can blissfully live in the present</u> while<u> a human is doomed to worry about the future and keep thinking about the past.</u>