Jomo Kenyatta
Former Prime Minister of Kenya
*Facing mount kenya
*The african intellegentsia
Facing mount kenya summarization
Facing Mount Kenya: The Tribal Life of Gikuyu by Jomo Kenyatta is an anthropological, psychological, social, economical and religious study of the African people living in Gikuyu, Kenya. ... He continues to discuss the system of land tenure, which is vital to the Gikuyu.
The african intellegentsia summarization
The late Dr. Ali A. Mazrui served as Albert Schweitzer humanities professor and director of the Global Cultural Studies Institute of Binghamton University of the State University of New York. He and Seton Hall University sociology associate professor Amadu Jacky Kaba, his mentee and long-time research associate, are the coauthors of The African Intelligentsia: Domestic Decline and Global Ascent, which explores globalization's positive and negative effects on continental Africans and people of African descent in the black diaspora, putting the rise and revival of intellectualism and the growth of twentieth-century pan-Africanism in a unique perspective.
The book gives a fascinating breakdown of figures to show how areas in Africa are affected by disease epidemics, the saddest fact being: "Zimbabwe, a nation of almost 14 million people in July of 2014, was once considered an 'advanced developing country' in the 1990s, but by 2011 had 1.2 million people living with AIDS."