First you need to know how many cups of powder you are going to need for the 496 cups of paint you already have

We write this as a ratio

for the 496 cups of paint you will need 99.2 cups of powder.
Continue by seeing how may grams there are in 99.2 cups

write it as a ratio and solve for x again.

now find how many vials you will need

write the ratio and solve

If each sets comes with 12 sets, write the ratio and find the number of sets you will need

you will need 98 sets for this amount of paint.
The 36% of 50
The answer is 18
Domain: 1 2 3 4 5 6 range: -1 0 1 2 3 6
2304 cubic inches. You multiply the length, width, and base
Find the oz
divide 243 by 15