The Whig Party was in favor of the federal government (and preferred they be in control) as opposed to the Democratic Party, favoring the state government. Additionally, the Whig Party tended to be more industry driven; the Democratic Party favored agriculture.
The terms of the Treaty of Paris were harsh to losing France. All French territory on the mainland of North America was lost. The British received Quebec and the Ohio Valley. The port of New Orleans and the Louisiana Territory west of the Mississippi were ceded to Spain for their efforts as a British ally.
Was led by the united states
Operation Neptune Spear
The raid on Osama bin Laden was code-named " Operation Neptune Spear" and carried out by members of the US Navy SEALs aided by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.
Operation Neptune Spear was the official mission code-name of the raid which led to the death of Osama bin Laden on 2nd, May 2011.
Operation Neptune Spear was a precision strike operation, secretly carried out by members of the US Navy SEALs aided by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment carried out under cover of darkness in Abbottabad, Pakistan after various failed attempted to arrest Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden was the former head of the al-Qaeda terror network and the world's most-wanted terrorist, who was the spiritual and Smemetor of those who carried the September 11 attacks in 2001. The U.S. searched for bin Laden for nearly 10 years before he was killed.