the parliament of great britan
Action Research is an approach that brings together researchers and end users (theory and practice) to give practical outcomes through a process of shared knowledge creation that gives the end users to undertake practice change.
God, if I could choose, I would say none. All of these lead to inequality (because circumstances vary between many individuals) but I believe prestige should hold the most weight in determining social class. Prestige (which is respect, recognition, or regard) is based on many criteria, including wealth, family background, fame, leadership, power, occupation, and accomplishments. Leadership, power, and accomplishments can both be achieved by any individual with hard work. This is still an unfair balance (gender inequality, racial/ethnical inequality/racism) because of individual factors, it still leaves hope for some people to rise the social ladder.
Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. Once they are approved, they have lifetime terms.
I agree, and believe anyone would agree, with the quote. Getting a Supreme Court Justice nominated and approved, who shares your political views, means that you will have a very powerful person in the Judicial Branch exercising power for potentially several decades. Supreme Court Justices, especially through the power of judicial review, can exercise great power over the government without having to worry about reelection and with no end to their term. This means that the president, by extension, enjoys great influence over government through his nomination of these justices.