Answer: Though he had always hated slavery, President Lincoln did not believe the Constitution gave him the authority to bring it to an end
The Harlem Renaissance was a period during the early 20 century, in which the arts thrived in Harlem, Newyork ( most specifically among African Americans). Artists like the poets Langstong Hughes, Maya Angelou, Jazz singer's like Louis Armstrong , and literary artists like James Baldwin was spawned. Many things influenced the Harlem Renaissance such as the change of urban living, immigration, diversity, and opportunity for black people.
the correct answer is bamboo and silk
Chinese have been the world sole producer of silk for several centuries, a commodity that often caused a balance of trade deficit between the country and the rest of the world. the secret of silk making was also protected with royal decree for a long time, which makes it a popular material for making music instrument. Bamboo is often preferred for its hollow inside.