This code attempts to fuse two strings together. So,
fuse("Apple", "Banana")
would return "ABpapnlaen a"
However, there are a couple of things wrong with this code:
- The for loop is incomplete (probably a copy paste error)
- It is unclear from the code if the array jawaban will overflow if kata1 and kata2 are large (it probably will)
- Biggest problem: the jawaban array is declared on the stack, which means it will be cleaned up when the function returns. So the caller of this function will reference unallocated memory! This is a huge bug!!
I believe this is Insert Controls
A union (UNION(x,y)) of the sets Sx and Sy represented by x and y, respectively will perform ________4_________ update(s) of the attribute.
The UNION (x, y) disjoint-set data structure unites the dynamic sets that contain x and y, say Sx and Sy, into a new set. It is called the union of the two sets. Before the union operation, the two sets are disjoint. After the union operation, the representative of the resulting set is some member of Sx and Sy or either Sx or Sy. The sets Sx and Sy are then destroyed to remove them from the union collection S. So, four operations are required.