Traversing as they do all of Eurasia, the Silk Roads encompassed almost every climate and vegetation zone and crossed every kind of terrain. This sketch of Silk Road geography has the modest aim of introducing a few of the important features of Eurasian physical geography which help us to understand patterns of human habitation and interaction across that vast expanse. There are always regional variations which deserve more detailed treatment. Before the advent of modern technology, geography and ecological zones were critical determinants of where and how people lived, moved and interacted. Boundaries such as we know them, delineated by modern states, did not exist, but boundaries there were, either natural or manmade, and in both cases they turn out to have been quite permeable.
They both believed in the Theory of Relativity. Also, the ideas of gravity as well as movement.
Marxism saw history as a series of class struggles.
The Northeast did not agree with the Mexican War.
3000-1600 BCE
Timeline: Early History of Hinduism 3000-1600 BCE: The earliest of Hindu practices form their roots with the rise of the Indus Valley civilization in northern Indian sub-continent around 2500 BCE. 1600-1200 BCE: The Aryans are said to invade southern Asia in about 1600 BCE, which would have a lasting influence on Hinduism.