Hrothgar and Beowulf are leaders of neighboring kingdoms, but Beowulf is a prince and the cousin of King Higlac and Hrothgar is a king
You should take a picture of the question
I don't know what the example is, but taciturnity means quietness. So the answer is D.
In my opinion, I would connect the Salem Trials to Islamophobia or really the fear of terrorism. Ever since we were attacked on 9/11, many people have been in fear and continuously blame those are Muslim for many of the problems. Americans would falsely accuse and target the Muslims which was very similar to the Salem Witch Trials. They both caused mass hysteria within the communities which would damage the future of mankind. Both of these events show the impact of not only disagreeing ideologies, but the affect of the masses and the dangers of false accusations. This endangers humankind if people are easily swayed and convinced into such accusations which could lead to war, falsities, and creating even more unnecessary tension.