Its A cuz u said "the politician greeted his supporters, adverb really means a phrase, expressing a relation place, time &circumstance.
The word is ambiguity, therefore " am-bi-gu-i-ty"
Hello I would like to telly you that you must wash your school I will not come back all the week
I should like to see the time come when women shall help to make the laws. I should like to see . . . the ballot, in the hands of women.
An ellipsis is used to delete unimportant words or phrases in a quote. In this case, the words "that whiplash" was replaced with the ellipsis. It is not necessary to understand the meaning of the sentence. Sentence 1 is not clear because it just states he wants to see the ballot, not that he wants to see it in the hand of women, which is his main point. Sentence 3 is incorrect because nothing was omitted. In Sentence 4, it is not clear who shall help make the laws, which is his main point.