<span>To verify the version of HTML being run on any given page, check the DOCTYPE declaration at the head of the file. Use "inspect element" to view the page source; the DOCTYPE is generally in the header.</span>
Push notification services.
Push notification services can be used to deliver important messages on mobile devices in an efficient and timely manner. The different mobile platforms such as android, iOS have their services which makes it easy for Jabez to send the messages to users with a specific brand and type of mobile device. The messages will pop up on the mobile device of the user, whether the app or the website associated with notifications is running or not.
True of False?
Different sub domains can be directed to different IPs servers but a client server cannot be forced to keep looking at name servers for additional records.
To delegate a subdomain to a zone on another server, one would need to add NS-records for the sub-domain name. This would point to the host names of the DNS servers hosting the sub-domain - in the parent zone.
In the "DNS records" window right-click the parent zone in the left list and select "New NS-record":
The Vigenere cipher is an encryption method that uses a series of interwoven Ceaser ciphers and a keyword to encrypt text. The difference between this cipher and the Ceaser cipher is the tabular interwoven Ceaser cipher and the keyword.
Multiple keywords can be used in the Vigenere cipher. The use of this keyword makes the brute-force decipher algorithm unreliable for decoding text encrypted with it.