The part of the computer that contains the brain is called the motherboard.
while (userNum >=0) {...}
In a <u>while loop</u>, <u>the loop is executed until the condition is false</u>.
Since the loop will execute while the user enters a number greater than or equal to 0 (and that number is declared as <em>userNum</em>), we need to check if <em>userNum</em> is greater than or equal to 0.
The concept/theory where computer generated animation (especially humans) that is TOO life-like they become uncomfortable to us as viewers instead of likeable cartoons is known as Uncanny valley
The uncanny valley is a concept that was introduced in the 1970s by Masahiro Mori. It is used to describe when a computer generated animated figure bears too much of a resemblance to humans, to the extent that the person viewing it may feel a sense of unease. The animated figure appearing almost human would likely elicit cold and eerie feelings in viewers.
Operating systems work like translators because they are able to take software and hardware, and put it all together to work in a way that is readable and usable for the consumer.