Stock Price in 5 years: $97.94. Stock Price Today: $55.575
A pay-out ratio is computed by dividing dividends per share over earnings per share. Meanwhile, PE or Price-Earnings Ratio is computed by dividing the market value of stocks over earnings per share. Thus, using the pay-out ratio formula, the earnings per share is 2.925 ($1.17/40%) and using the PE ratio formula, the market price of stocks today is $55.575 (19 x 2.925). After 5 years, multiplying 1.17 and 12% rate raised to the 5th power, the dividend will amount to $5.1548. Using pay-out ratio, earnings per share is 5.1548 ($2.0619/40%) and the market price of stock after 5 years is $97.94 ($5.1548 x 19).
The marginal utility of the fourth plate is zero or below zero
The reason is that the law of diminishing marginal utility says that the marginal utility of a product declines upon continuous consumption of that item. This means that the utility before the consumption of first buffet was high and when the second buffet was consumed by the same person the utility was further reduced and so on. This means that the utility must be positive which if is higher enough then the customer is will to pay and eat the buffet again. If it is zero or below zero the customer is not willing to pay for the buffet. This is the reason the person doesn't ordered the item again.
You can not eat the same buffet for all the 365 days. This means the taste of a tasty food fades away after some time or I would say that the utility is gone. Same is the case when you will keep using cellphone for a period and then sell it or dispose it because the item doesn't entertains you or in other words the utility has significantly fallen and is almost zero or below zero.
A. loss of current sales due to a new project being implemented.
In business, erosion takes place when a new product or project competes with another product or project from the came company. This "internal" competition reduces the revenues and benefits from existing products or projects. It is basically a form of business cannibalization, where the left arm takes away from the right arm. E.g. newer smartphone models decrease the sales revenue from existing (older) models.
That statement is true
A stated interest rate is the return of investment that is not compounded by the interest accumulation throughout the years.
In general, a stated interest rate will give us a lower amount of return compared to effective annual interest rate that compound the accumulation throughout the years,
1. Going concern
2. Economic entity
3. Monetary unit
4. Periodicitys
1. Since Jumbo's Restaurant is planning to close, the assumption of continuity (going concern) is no more applicable. This should be disclosed. Instead asset was still recorded at historical price which is misleading.
2. Gorloks Tax Services is an economic entity, and the property and assets of owners are not considered to be for the business. In this case the boat Sam bought was wrongly reported as an asset of the company.
3. Claim Jumpers when reporting the 5 trucks purchased must include a monetary value for them. The assumption of monetary unit states that all items reported on the balance sheet must be expressed in monetary terms.
4. Cobbler's Etc violated the assumption of periodicity which states the financial position of the business must be declared in a particular accounting period. Accounting period can monthly, quarterly, biannually, and yearly. The business should choose and accounting period and ensure financial position is reported for each of them. In this case financial reporting is not consistent with reporting happening after 14 months and before that 18 months.