Answer: Vertical Supply Channel Conflict
Estee Lauder sells most of its flagship products directly online. This choice, made around 2000, resulted in substantial __________ with the various high-end retailers.
Horizontal supply chain conflict.
Vertical supply chain conflict.
Vertical channel dissonance.
Contract re-negotiations.
Vertical Supply Channel Conflict occurs between members of different supply channel levels. For example, between a manufacturer and a wholesaler or between a wholesaler and a retailer.
This is the type of conflict that arose from Estee Lauder's decision to sell online directly to customers.
Horizontal Supply Channel Conflict occurs between members of the same channel level. An example is two retailers selling the same brand in the same shopping mall.
Aldo Leopold
Aldo Leopold (1887 - 1948) was a founder of wildlife management. He taught at the University of Wisconsin and is famous for his book <u>A Sand County Almanac</u>, 1949, which sold over 2 million copies.
His work focused on the development of environmental ethics and wilderness conservation.
Native ads have been shown to perform better on mobile than those of traditional design as well. This is because in order to make an effective native ad, it has to be relevant to the content in which it is featured—unlike traditional ads that are placed on screen and don't necessarily match up with messaging.
Explanation :
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures monthly changes in prices for a range of consumer products