Yes, indeed I shall, Torvald. But I can't get on a bit without you to help me; I have absolutely forgotten the whole thing.
Oh, we will soon work it up again.
Yes, help me, Torvald. Promise that you will! I am so nervous about it — all the people — . You must give yourself up to me entirely this evening. Not the tiniest bit of business — you mustn't even take a pen in your hand. Will you promise, Torvald dear?
I promise. This evening I will be wholly and absolutely at your service, you helpless little mortal. Ah, by the way, first of all I will just — (Goes toward the hall-door.)
You are right. the answer is D
I think it's C. Most of the times. Green was representing nature/God.
B) Shade refers to a darker or lighter difference of one hue; color refers to any hue.
Shade is a darkness or coolness that is caused by blocking the colour and color is a property an object has that appears from the way in which it reflects light and it is described in terms of hue. Because of these definitions, the right answer is B) Shade refers to a darker or lighter difference of one hue; color refers to any hue.
Answer: Have A Fundraiser
Explanation: Because im a honors student and I know.