Ambot nimo hahahhahahahahhahaa
The proteins move through the endomembrane system and are dispatched from the trans face of the Golgi apparatus in transport vesicles that move through the cytoplasm and then fuse with the plasma membrane releasing the protein to the outside of the cell.
Humans can will themselves to eat more, as we know that food comes easy to us.
Animals, on the other hand, top priority is survival, so they usually wouldn't think about eating more because it just "tastes good."
Mars and Earth are very different planets when it comes to temperature, size, and atmosphere, but geologic processes on the two planets are surprisingly similar. On Mars, we see volcanoes, canyons, and impact basins much like the ones we see on Earth
Photosynthesis also relies on a compound called NADP
which is an electron carrier accepts and transfers high-energy electrons. *