Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee
Griots were a combination of advisors, historians, and entertainers charged with preserving rich oral traditions for future generations.
B. From Abraham through his son Ishmael
c) a group of people who share a similar economic position in a society, based on their wealth and income
Social class is a concept used in social sciences and political theory that <em>refers to a group of individuals that share the same socioeconomic status.</em> The most common social classes are upper, middle and lower.
I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!
the answer is a) evolutionary; behavioral
Achmed believes that men act in a more aggresive manner than women do, because in the past it increased their reproductive chances.
The evolutionary perspective is all about that. It's about learning to adapt to your environment for your own benefit and good. Moreover, the evolutionary perspective claims that, characteristics and traits that were found hundreds of years ago in our ancestors, can resurface in us, their offspring.
Clarisse believes that men act in a more aggressive manner that women do, because they are often rewarded for acting tough and <em>strong</em><em>.</em>
This ticks all the boxes for the behavioral perspective. The behavioral perspective argues that our behaviors and actions are influenced by environment. If our actions had desirable outcomes they're more likely to occur than if they had undesirable outcomes.