Marcus's elevation would be 35 feet BELOW sea level and as an integer it is written as -35. This is because the term BELOW describe an integer that is UNDER sea level. Sea level is ALWAYS 0, meaning anything BELOW it is negative and anything ABOVE it is positive. Using a vertical number line can also show you how integers correlate to sea level elevations.
You can't simplify it but you can divide it like
B 62 gallons
Step-by-step explanation:
Legacy Ranch Is A Relatively New Housing Development. ... Association reports that the per capital water use in a single-family home is 62 gallons per day.
Usually the median is defined by the middle number, so without any doubts I can say that due to the fact that half of population has zero effect the overall index is zero. Hope it is clear that the last ( D.The median debt is zero because more than half of credit card debts are zero.) option is the only correct answer whereas the others ones are wrong.