Answer and Explanation:
The phrase presents itself as a proverb expressing a meaning of equality between people who adopt the characteristics of a specific group of people and who must assume the archetype of that group, completely equaling its members. This means that when a person, of his own free will, wants to eat like normal people, that person is equaling normal people and therefore must take possession of this archetype and work just like them.
Four fundamental characeristics common to all languages are
<span>Grammar, Tone, Words, Symbols</span>
Twila's weekly indulgence is either rocky road or mint chocolate chip ice cream.
There ar emany ways you can combine these sentences, but I just used subordinating conjunctions.
pair them to the corresponding
And then I felt smaller because the teacher
was taking roll and he called out my name. self-critical
No, I felt like a magician slicing myself in half,
with Junior living on the north side of the
Spokane River and Arnold living on the south. uncomfortable
"My name is Junior," I said. "And my name
Is Arnold. It's Junior and Arnold. I'm both." Incomplete
were no other people named Junior
in Reardan, so I was being laughed at because
I was the only one who had that silly name