I hope i can help. I cant give u all of the work but here is a start, you may finish on that.
was born in December 1770, Bonn, Germany. Beethoven was a painter and a music
composer. I admire Beethoven because he did many things with his life, and is
now famous. He was a musician and an artist. His father was his first music
Mary Cassatt
was born in May 22, 1844, Allegheny, Pittsburgh. Mary Cassatt was a painter,
she did many self-portraits of herself. She was a great painter. She was
inspired by Edgar Degas. Some people say that Mary was Edgar’s mistress. When
Mary moved to Paris in 1800, she lived there until she died
(D) Environment and Heredity
Hereditary is the transmission of physical and genetic qualities and attributes of parents to their offspring; the biological law by which living beings tend to repeat their characteristics in their descendants. So Susie understood very well that her height is as a result of the gene pass on to her by her parents and that good environment and eating healthy as a kid also contributes to one's physic.
A he greatly dislikes woman
i havent read the book in awhile but...
he took the road less traveled by... by when he crossed the boundre outside and released all the memorys to everyone so everyone could feel them not just one person?
sorry i have no qoutes but thats and idea to go off of?