After the Cold War, the United States did have some difficulty deciding when to use military force because during the Cold War, the Red Scare caused so much paranoia in the United States that they relentlessly used military force on other countries to try and prevent communism from spreading. During the Cold War, the United States messed up a lot of nations by executing/getting rid of their leaders that they feared would lead their countries to communism or not trade/give what the US wanted from their resources. Instead, they would replace those leaders with leaders they believed would help benefit the USA, and a result of this, many countries faced challenges with leaders they did not select. In the future, the US would learn actions have consequences when there was a rise of terrorism from countries that turned to a theocracy government after the USA took away their democratic leaders (ex: Iran).
We failed because of the installation of political parties, meddling in foreign affair, the loss of neutrality, the fact that Washington stepped down set the president of the 2 term presidency which failed when FDR became president for 4 terms.
It’s the third one I’m in 8th grade to
The Boston tea party was a protest and an action of the colonies for displaying their rebellious spirit. Therefore, king George must have felt conflictThe Boston tea party’s purpose was to display the rebellious spirit of the colonies. Therefore, king George must have felt conflicted
The communist manifesto is a book about the communism and socialism, written in the late 1890's by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engals.
The book extensively describe the exploitation done by the capitalist market system and introduces a new political and economic system that diminish the class differences between the rich and the poor.
Also, the book provides an analytical critique of the capitalism and the harsh way it treats the economically under privileged people, while predicting its downfall.