The type of wheather and type of terrian.
number 1 is a 2 is c and 3 is a
On the delayed tests 93% vs 13%
In the experiment by Bower and Clark on the story construction technique for memorizing serial lists of words (discussed in class), subjects were tested twice—immediately after studying a list and again after all the lists were presented (delayed test). The story group recalled many more words than the control group on the delayed tests 93% vs 13%
d. officers becoming personally involved with informants.
An informant is a person who gives his testimony in relation to a situation as a way to help in the investigation of something. These people cannot be considered a witness of a situation, because they are not formally obliged to speak the truth about the facts of the situation (the witness is obliged to speak the truth), and they can tell fanciful, uncooperative and incorrect information.
In this case, it is extremely unethical for the information that an informant provides to be overestimated, because that information may be false. moreover, an informant cannot be intimidated or coerced into contributing to a given situation, nor can he be deceived about its relevance in the investigation, through false praise. However, in terms of ethics and morals, nothing prevents officers from personally getting involved with informants.
This is an example of post reinforcement pause
Post reinforcement pause has to do with the pause that follows the delivery of the reinforcer, Elise in this case.
Generally speaking,the alertness of people increases as the due date for a task approaches as their attention is completely focused on the task ahead,because the task could be a mar or make activity.
Mar or make means the task would either leave the person worse off or better off,no doubt a rational human being would prefer being better off after completing the task,however the alertness reduces to lowest ebb as soon as the task is taken care of.