thats why their are so many views in each party yet they all are under one banner
"To the west it is connected to the Da Hinggan Range by the Yilehuli Mountains, which run northwest-southeast for some 375 miles (600 km). ... Although the two ranges have similar names, the Xiao Hinggan is a completely different mountain system from the Da Hinggan (Greater Khingan)."
Maria is experiencing relative poverty.
When some individuals of a shared society are experiencing relative poverty, they do not have the minimum necessary earnings to hold the expected living standard. This is the most common way to measure how much poverty there is in a country, and as societies and their members are different, relative poverty is not equal everywhere.
Pregunta algo, de tu tarea o escuela que no entiendas y la gente te puede ayudar! Esta aplicacion es de gente que habla ingles, entonces si preguntas algo traducelo a ingles para que entiendan :)
to mass murder seminoles who were living there, then the trail of tears