The two different uses or applications of data that is biases in word embeddings and may cause significant ethical harms are:
- Class immobility
- Systemic racism
<h3>What are the
biases in word embedding?</h3>
Word embeddings is known to be made up of a high level bias such as group stereotypes and prejudice.
The two different uses or applications of data that is biases in word embeddings and may cause significant ethical harms are:
Class immobility
Learn more about biases from
They WHO did declare global health emergency at the end of January
The quicksort pivot is an arbitrary element within the collection that is being sorted. Using the pivot point, the collection of elements is partitioned into two smaller lists of elements. Using some logic, the smaller elements are placed left of the pivot point, and larger elements are placed to the right of the pivot point. Ideally, you would prefer you pivot point to be a median of your dataset to optimize the creation of the two sublists into a balanced state.
<h2><u>Fill in the blanks</u></h2><h2><u>Question 1</u> </h2>
Patterns are <u>repeated</u> shapes, colors, tones or objects.
<h2><u>Question 2 </u></h2>
What are two things you can do to strengthen a pattern image?
-Add in a person or frame it in a different way
-Look at it from different angles and frame it in different ways
<h2><u>Question 3</u></h2>
Patterns can be <u>man - made</u> and they can be found in nature.
<h2><u>Question 4 </u></h2>
When you are looking for man made patterns in a town or city, don't forget to look i<u>n front of you</u>
<h2><u>Question 5</u></h2>
What is one technique you can use to show scale and perspective in your photo?
- <u>add color </u>