To briefly sum things up:
- Bartolomé de Las Casas saw the indigenous peoples as equals and believed they should not be treated as less. However, he still wanted to convert them to his religion to "free" them.
- On the other hand, Cortés basically said the indigenous people were perfect for slavery because they lacked the "superior" qualities the Europeans had, and so he definitely thought they were inferior.
6. The decline of feudalism occurred due to a number of events which occurred during the Medieval era of the Middle Ages. Feudalism was based on the division of land by the king to nobles and vassals in return for their military service under the Feudal Levy.
7. New technologies were used during the Hundred Years' War which helped France win. When the war ended feudalism declined due to the increasing power of monarchies caused by the Hundred Years' War.
8. The end of the Middle Ages came about because of the black plague, the development of the printing press and the decline of the Catholic church.
9. New technologies such as electricity became a new idea. Telegraphs, light bulbs and so on.
10. Age of Discovery
Because it established the principle that everyone is subject to the law...
Reducing discrimination against borrowers.