It appears that you are talking about the Middle Ages so the answer is 'C'. Irrigation goes back to pre-history and the fertile crescent.
The shortest lived known head of state is Jean I of France who ruled and lived for five days in 1316.
In the morning with the first rays of the sun, the peasant woke up in his small house, which was in a small village consisting of 11 courtyards. A big friendly peasant family gathered at breakfast: A peasant with his wife, 4 daughters and 6 sons. Having prayed, they sat down for wooden benches. At breakfast, there were grains cooked in a pot, on a home hearth. After breakfast peasant should work to provide food to the knights and nobles.
Almost all the children of the peasant have already worked as adults. Only the youngest son, who barely passed 5 years, could only graze geese. The harvest was in full swing. All day peasant with his family worked in the field, making only one break for lunch. In the evening they came home very weary. After supper, the peasant helps his wife in feeding the pigs and milking the cow. After that, the peasant began to make barrels for water. After sunset, everyone went to bed. Mother and father on a wide wooden bed, children on benches at walls which have covered with hay. Tomorrow morning the peasant with his family was going to getting up early again and working hard again...
If you're asking if it's true than Yes
The United States of Mexico is a federal presidential republic. The Constitution of 1917 is in force with numerous amendments. Executive power belongs to the president, who is the head of state and government. The President forms the cabinet, appoints and removes ministers, the Attorney General (with the approval of the Senate), members of the Supreme Court (with the approval of the Senate) and other senior public servants. The President determines domestic and foreign policy, has legislative initiative and veto power, establishes diplomatic relations and concludes international treaties. The president is elected by the people on the basis of universal, direct, secret ballot, without the right to re-election. Legislative power belongs to the bicameral National Congress. The principles of public administration in accordance with the 1917 Constitution meet the criteria for representative liberal democracy.
Denmark is a constitutional monarchy. The constitution was adopted in 1849; amendments were made in 1915 and 1953, when a unicameral parliament was created and women were allowed to become head of state. The head of state is the king, who exercises legislative power together with a unicameral parliament. The highest legislative body is Folketing. Executive power belongs to the monarch and is carried out on his behalf by the government. The government is appointed by the Prime Minister, approved by Folketing and is accountable to him.
Thus, the similarity is the fact that in Mexico the president and in Denmark the king determine domestic and foreign policy. However, the difference is obvious, primarily consisting in the very form of government - the republic and the monarchy, respectively, with all the further differences that follow from this.