After break down food may be used in the body to provide energy, as building blocks for tissue and cells, and can be stored for future use.
The body uses food for energy, for growth by making new cells and repairing or replacing tissues, may be stored by converting it into glycogen or fat before they can be stored. The main types of foods are carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Protozoa have been classified into three trophic categories: the photoautotrophs which harness the sun's radiant energy in the process of photosynthesis; the photoheterotrophs, which although phototrophic in energy requirements, are unable to use carbon dioxide for cell synthesis and must have organic carbon compounds
The correct answer is B. An electron orbital describes a three-dimensional space where an electron can be found 90% of the time.
Electrons are negatively charged particles found in atoms. These different from protons and neutrons are not located in the nucleus of the atom but orbit it. Additionally, electrons do not orbit the nucleus following a linear pattern but they have a wave-like behavior which means they move in a three-dimensional space or area known as electron orbital in which they can be found most of the time, this space of area is determined depending on energy, momentum, and other factors. Thus, an electron orbital is "a three-dimensional space where an electron can be found 90% of the time".
C. Cholesterol
Cholesterol maintains the fluidity of the cell membrane and thereby, regulates its function.
Bile acids are derived from cholesterol which serves as their precursor. For example, Taurocholic acid is a polar derivative of cholesterol. Bile acids serve in the absorption of fatty acids, glycerol, and fat-soluble vitamins as these compounds are non-polar in nature.
Vitamin D is produced when the derivative of cholesterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol undergoes photolysis in skin cells in presence of sunlight.