1 - Hagia Sophia
2 - Topkapi Palace
3 - Ephesus
Turkish isn't taught in American Schools (N)
I'm English so hu...
поврежденную часть нельзя восстановить, мы окажем Эндодонтическое лечение зубов необходимо при пульпите – воспалении Если боль сильная и длится более недели, то настоятельно рекомендуем обратиться к своему врачу. У меня на зубах возле десны появились коричневые пятна.
The answer is that the given statement is "true".
Interpersonal communication is an exchange of data between at least two individuals. It is additionally a area of study and research that looks to see how people utilize verbal and nonverbal prompts to achieve various individual and social objectives.
Interpersonal communication are fundamental to creating other key fundamental abilities. Having the capacity to discuss well with others is frequently fundamental to taking care of issues that definitely happen both in our private and expert lives.
cus the question asks what do u do after school so it should be shenme as it means 'what'