A interrupt request / IRQ is in which instructions are sent to Cpu and uses an interrupt handler to run distinct program . Hardware interrupts are used to manage occurrences such as obtaining modem or network card information, important presses, or mouse motions.
- Interrupt request 0. – it is a system timer (can not be altered)
- Interrupt request 1 – keyboard controller (can not be changed)
- Interrupt request 2 – cascaded IRQ 8–15 signals (any device configured to use IRQ 2 will genuinely use IRQ 9)
- Interrupt request 3 – serial port 2 controller
- Interrupt request 4 – serial port 1 controller
- Interrupt request 5 –parallel port 2 and 3
- Interrupt request 6 - floppy disk controller
- Interrupt request 7 –parallel port 1. If a printer is not present, it is used for printers or for any parallel port. It can also possibly be shared with a secondary sound card with cautious port management.
As interrupt number increases priority level decreases, Priority level 0 is the highest priority level .
The program in Python is as follows:
num = int(input())
for i in str(num):
This gets input for the number
num = int(input())
This converts the number to string and iterates through each element of the string
for i in str(num):
This prints individual digits
1. row a horizontal set of data in a spreadsheet
2. spreadsheet software used by many business professionals to work with numbers
3. data information that is stored
4. template a file that serves as a starting point for a new document
5. function a built-in formula in a spreadsheet
6. invoice a statement you submit to get paid for a product or service
The correct matches have been mentioned in the answer section. Certainly, a row is the horizontal set of data is a spreadsheet. And other options are self-understood. And hence, it is self-explanatory.
Because Microsoft can be used to create personalized web
When exposed to the powerful magnetic field of a degausser, the magnetic data on a tape or hard disk is neutralized, or erased. Degaussing is the guaranteed form of hard drive erasure, as such; it serves as the standard method of data destruction.