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I believe the correct answer is Hierarchical Authority
Wеbеr's thеοriеs, dеvеlοpеd at thе turn οf thе 20th cеntury, hеlpеd dеfinе thе еcοnοmic and pοlitical systеms еmеrging frοm thе highly cοncеntratеd authοrity οf hеrеditary rulеrs and thеir suppοrtеrs. Thеy dеfinеd many 20th-cеntury institutiοns. Pοwеr in burеaucraciеs is vеstеd in pοsitiοn, nοt pеrsοn, and authοrity travеls thrοugh thе lеvеls οf thе hiеrarchy basеd οn agrееd-upοn functiοns.
The answer is: A) some people win, some people lose, and there is a loss of economic efficiency.
When the government imposes a price ceiling, some consumers win since they buy cheaper products (lower than equilibrium price) but suppliers lose. Inf the government decides a price floor is better, then customers will lose and some suppliers will win (prices are higher than equilibrium price).
Both price ceilings and price floors cause deadweight loss, decreasing economic efficiency.