this is how they felt.
When the Mayflower came, first to the outer arm of the Cape and then into Plimoth, we looked on them with apprehension and great curiosity. It was much larger than our biggest canoe. As they landed, they brought a lot of baggage with them and seemed like they were here to stay. We knew that there would be great changes in the way we would live.
Because the United States struggled to Unite and quell the rebellion, the answer is B. The United States realized it needed to be more centralized in order to deal with internal and external threats.
It was a United States naval officer/ historian, also known to be a propagandist to expansion, named Alfred Thayer Mahan who wanted to expand the extent of capacity of the United States and its navy. He wrote “The Influence of Sea Power upon History”. It stated his idea that the countries with the biggest navies and greater sea power over others who could govern the world. With his principles, and knowing that US had at that time the elements of the capability to expand its greatness, he created strategies based on commerce trading and coastal defense to support the Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny states that it is the United States who was the ones who were destined to expand across North America.
The partition between Eastern and Western Europe was know as the Iron Curtain and The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union brought an end to the Cold War.
Why the other two are wrong:
1. NATO was created against The Soviet Union by several Western European Countries
2. The city of Berlin was divided for only 30 years
In the case,Texas v.Johnson,the texas court tried and convicted Mr.Johnson for violating the statute that prohibited the desecration of venerated objects e.g the American flag that could arouse anger in other individuals.Johnson appealed with the argument that the actions were a "symbolic speech" protected by the First Amendment.
Texas laws punishes actions such as flag burning that might arouse anger in other but it this case the outrage alone couldnot justify for supressing Johnson's freedom of speech.In this perspective,the Texas law discriminated upon view point in that though it punishes such actions,it still specifically exempt prosecution of actions with similar defination such as burning or burying of worn-out flag.
Therefore, flag burning in Texas v.Johnson constituted a symbolic speech and is protected by the Firts Amendment.