Having a credible and reliable sources are important in performing research especially on the internet. This is because nowadays with just one click all information can be check on the internet however one is not sure if that is the right one that can then be validated thus there are strategies to know information if they are credible and reliable. One of it is the site one knows and trust mostly is important as it can help narrow down what you're looking for. Another would be checking on the date, select the latest one for it to be more reliable. Another would be checking the credentials for the writer as for you to be sure information provided is credible and lastly check if there are comments such as reviews from the source and the author to make sure that other people are also using the information provided which means it is reliable.
A lymphocyte is a type of white blood cell that is part of the immune system. There are two main types of lymphocytes: B cells and T cells. The B cells produce antibodies that are used to attack invading bacteria, viruses, and toxins.
I got this from:
Depends on your amount of muscle mass i weighd 50 55 kgs when i was 13 and wasnt fat at all
I would say that you arent but thats just my opinion
Atavism is the tendency to revert to ancestral type. So I'm thinking C.