This is your answer please check this ✔
A network computer depend on on a centralized computer for most of its services. It can consequently have a minimal operating system while a personal computer on the other hand has to be proficient of on condition that all of the required functionality in a detached manner without depending on a centralized manner. Scenarios where administrative costs are high and where sharing leads to more efficient use of resources are exactly those settings where network computers are preferred.
The algorithm is as follows:
1. Start
2. bottles = 0
3. While bottles != 500
3.1 Create bottle
3.2 bottle = bottle + 1
4. Switch off machine
5. Stop
This begins the algorithm
1. Start
This initializes bottles to 0
2. bottles = 0
The loop is repeated until 500 bottles is created
3. While bottles != 500
This creates a new bottle
3.1 Create bottle
This increments the number of bottles by 1
3.2 bottle = bottle + 1
This switches of the machine after all bottles are created
4. Switch off machine
End algorithm
5. Stop
I believe the answer is annual maintenance
Hope this helps :p