The answer is A.
Chloroplasts are organelles within cells that help perform photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process of creating food + energy for the plant.
Viruses are quite unique and varying a cellular creatures that can have multiple different kinds of structural features.
It can have in its centre either DNA or RNA. Double or single stranded.
Zebra mussels negatively impact ecosystems in many ways. They filter out algae that native species need for food and they attach to--and incapacitate--native mussels. Power plants must also spend millions of dollars removing zebra mussels from clogged water intakes.
B - mRNA
C - nuclear pore
D - tRNA
E - ribosome
F - rRNA
<em>The entire structure illustrates the process of transcription and translation in a typical eukaryotic cell.</em>
The DNA (A) in the nucleus of the cell is first transcribed to mRNA (B). The mRNA produced is transported to the cytoplasm through the openings within the nuclear membrane - the nuclear pores (C). On getting to the cytoplasm, the mRNA binds to the ribosome (E) (carrying rRNA, F). The tRNA (D) carrying the specific anticodon for a particular codon on the mRNA then binds to the structure and the corresponding amino acid is released. A polypeptide bond is formed between subsequent amino acids and the ribosome moves along the mRNA chain until the translation process is complete.
Answer: Exploitation, invasive species
If the government introduces laws prohibiting hunting, it would somewhat reduce the impact of exploitation would have on the biodiversity because hunting is mainly done for the purpose of fun or to derive valuables from animals like skin, horn, ivory, venome for selling them in the international market and making huge profit from them. Introduction of prohibition law on hunting will reduce killing and exploitation of animals for their valuables.
If laws prohibiting introduction of new plant or animal species within the country are passed, it will curb the effect of invasive species would have on the seas. Invasive species are those living species which are arrive or immegrate to new locations in search of resources. These species compete with native species which results in decline of native species. This will result in disturbance in actual sea biodiversity as this will result in decline in native sea species and may also lead to extinction of native species.