The correct answer is D, because that is the only appropriate shift in tense. A isn't correct because present perfect tense (have raced) is used inappropriately, when it should have been past perfect. B is also incorrect because past perfect means that that action happened before the storm blew, which is not the case. C features future continuous tense, which is impossible due to shift in tense. Therefore, the answer is D, because there is an appropriate tense in that sentence, past simple.
Answer: Based on its girth and size.
Explanation: According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the lake sturgeon which is currently an endangered species can live up to 55years for males and 70 to 100years for females.
However, the size and girth is an important criteria used by fish experts in deducing the number of years a sturgeon had used.
Thus, the caught sturgeon is about 7feet long and along with its girth suggested it had spent over a century roaming in the water body.
It was mostly between 1990 and 2010.
I think maybe 2008 was the highest. (NOT SURE)
hope this helps!!
Can you state the source's plz? A.K.A Questions A. B. or C.?