It means the personal freedom to follow whatever religion you choose, or
NO religion if that's your choice, in any way you want as long as you don't
bother other people, without any interference from laws or other people,
and without any penalty or discrimination no matter what your choice is.
That seems like such common sense that it's hard to understand that
in huge parts of the world, that's not the way it is at all.
Confucious believed that social order, harmony, and good government could be restored in China if society were organized around five basic relationships.
<span>When people make assumptions about other people, such as in the case of Gladys, this is known as implicit personality theory or automatic assumption. This is often what happens when one person forms certain opinions about another person when they actually have very little knowledge about that person. One theory is that we are often not even aware that these assumptions are taking place in our minds.</span>
Children of
employed women"</span> have less stereotyped views of men and women.
In social psychology,
a stereotype is any idea which is often accepted as true about a whole
gathering of those people or practices. These concepts or convictions could
possibly reflect reality or not. Those children who have their mother employed
see in their daily lives the interaction between men and women and are more
likely to come closer to reality instead of stereotyping.