c. Communist Revolution in Russia.
- At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was one of the most backward states of Europe.
- Although feudalism was formally abolished, it remained a semi-feudal state with a very strong emperor power.
- In addition to Turkey, the last of the great powers passed a constitution (1906), and reforms were difficult to implement. With this system, no one was happy.
- The material appropriations for the war made the position of the impoverished Russian people even more difficult. The food shortage, their smuggling and the massive casualties on the Eastern Front led to revolutions during 1917.
- The first was in February - the overthrow of the imperial system and the seduction of Parliamentarism, and the second in October, where civil Parliamentarism was overthrown and a new, socialist social order was established.
Answer:In a letter to his fifteen-year-old nephew and namesake, penned in 1963 on the one hundredth anniversary of the Emancipation, author James Baldwin says that American white society has unwittingly placed "the Negro" in a position so untenable that it is "not very far removed" from the oppressive London of the past, so famously described by Charles Dickens.
The Butter Battle book has been viewed as a tale about the Cold War and World War II and the nuclear weapons race. The Yooks represent the United States and the Zooks represent the Soviet Union. Seuss was using them to describe the major events that occurred during his life.
The theory of George F. Kennan in his "long telegram" provided the basis for containment policy.
George F. Kennan was an American diplomat in Moscow after World War II. In 1946, he sent what became known as "the long telegram" of his advice about what the USA needed to do about the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). It really was a LONG telegram at 8,000 words. (Think of how many Twitter messages that would be today!)
In those 1940s, after World War II, everyone feared an ultimate confrontation between the USA and the USSR -- that the Cold War would someday explode into a massive heated conflict between the superpowers. Kennan, in Moscow, had much foresight to see the internal problems the USSR had. He advised not pushing the conflict too much, but instead just try to "contain" the Soviet Union and wait for their system to collapse under the weight of its own problems. Kennan was right. It took almost 50 years, but eventually the communist system in the USSR fell apart. [The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics came to an end in 1991.]
he thought they had a pretty good chance at winning any war.