When programming in an OOP language classes are created to represent real-life objects, people, places etc. from the real world. Programming in the general allows you to cut down your code and making it more efficient by applying the same necessary functions to all of the objects that classify under the same category. For example by programming "in the general" and creating an Animal class you can create all of the functions/behaviors that animals tend to have. Then you can apply these functions/behaviors to various animals such as a Cat, Dog, Horse, etc. But if you program in the specific you cannot apply a Cat class to a Dog since they are not the same thing.
The OS shell allows access to the operating system services
Consumer misbehavior can defined as the behavioral acts by consumers which violate the generally accepted norms of conduct in consumption situations, and disrupt the order expected in such situations. Misbehavior by consumers disrupts the openness, impersonal trust, and orderliness of the exchange environment.
Some of the examples of customer misbehavior are: shoplifting, bending rules, breaking rules by ignoring warnings and using products in forbidden or ways not recommended...
* Routinized response behaviour is a type of purchasing scenario whereby the purchaser of a product or a service has past experience with purchasing it and automatically makes the decision to purchase again.
* Psychological influences refers to the workings of the mind or psyche that influences customer decisions.
* Social influences refers to the intentional and unintentional efforts to change another person's beliefs, attitudes, or behavior.
Therefore, the option that best suits the question is option B, CUSTOMER MISBEHAVIOR.