I was walking home one day and something strange started to happen. The air turns black around me. I thought it was nothing I thought it was just pollution in the air we got to water pollution where I'm from. I was wrong to think that I tried not to breathe it in I covered my mouth the whole way home. when I got home my mom looked at me slowly walked over to me and shook me "did you breathe in that black air?" she said. I was quite confused but I said no then she said "oh Lord my baby you'll be safe and Mama's arms." that air out there is dangerous she started quivering and shaking and whispered it's starting to turn people into zombies. I looked at her and did my mind I was scared but I wanted to put on a brave face in front of my mama I told her" I'm not scared of no zombies I have you and that's all I need and with you by me we can defeat them all." truth be told I was scared out of my mind I just didn't want to say nothing I was holding back my tears because I was so scared I just wanted to cry. we had a bunker under our house so I believe we will be safe there we grab all our food and head for that bunker as fast as we could. when we got into the bunker I couldn't hold it anymore I started crying my mother looked at me and told me " it's all right pumpkin we will be safe our friends and family will be safe you have nothing to worry about the coming to Mama's arms and stop crying because I got you."
Labor unions did not allow Chinese immigrants to become members. Labor unions helped Chinese immigrants find jobs in mills and factories. Labor unions asked companies to pay Chinese immigrants low wages.
I hope this helps :)
Haitian slavery was still going on and there was unequality towards Haitians. One of Toussaint Louverture's lieutenants, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, after learning that the French intended to reintroduce slavery, staged an uprising that led to Haiti's full independence on January 1, 1804, and he followed Toussaint Louverture's policies as ruler.
So it can abolish its armed forces to eliminate patriotism from schools and public life